CAGE Code D1929 (Parker Hannifin Corporation) - NSN Parts Catalog
One Click Purchasing provides an unrivaled sourcing solution for procuring NSN parts associated with the CAGE Code D1929, including part numbers like NS-200-S-10, BA 1150 00030, NS-200-S, 909419054, 5-702, and others. With an extensive inventory holding over two billion NATO parts, all sourced from top NSN parts manufacturers like Parker Hannifin Corporation, and others, we offer some of the shortest lead-times in the industry for new, obsolete, or hard-to-find NSN items. Our dedicated account managers are also available to assist with your purchase as needed, so get started with a competitive quote on NSN parts under D1929, and other part types you are interested in.
Take the time to pursue our online catalogs of NSN parts under CAGE code D1929 as you see fit, or save time using our user-friendly CAGE code lookup. As One Click Purchasing is owned and operated by ASAP Semiconductor, we operate with AS9120B, ISO 9001:2015, and FAA AC 00-56B accreditation with a dedication to various quality control practices and measures. Start the quotation process today and see why so many customers steadily rely on our services!
CAGE Code D1929 Details
Address :DELMENHORSTER STR. 10 KOELN, 50735, 60 06 40 GERMANY | |||
Status : A | Type : E | Woman Owned : N | Business Type : - |
Business Size : N | Primary Business : J | CAO Code : - | ADP Code : - |
Manufacturer for CAGE Code D1929
CAGE Code D1929 Parts Catalog
Part Number | Item Name | NSN | QTY | RFQ |
5031020 | resistor fixed film | 5905-12-358-9944 | Avl |
2-024N602-70 | packing preformed | 5330-00-151-4600 | Avl |
NS-200-S-10 | valve globe | 4820-12-301-5581 | Avl |
BA 1150 00030 | packing assembly | 5330-12-356-3624 | Avl |
NS-200-S | valve globe | 4820-12-301-5581 | Avl |
909419054 | valve flow control | 4820-12-370-8953 | Avl |
5-702 | clamp hose | 4730-00-871-6729 | Avl |
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- Main Gear Retention Truss
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